Data mining in large sets of complex oceanic data: new challenges and solutions
8-9 Sep 2014 Brest (France)

Practical session (pdf and scripts) > OBIDAM14 virtual machine configuration

OBIDAM14 virtual machine configuration notes (v0.3)

For all participants to have a similar environment during the practical session, we setup a virtual machine with all required components (software and toolboxes). This OBIDAM14 virtual machine uses the the VirtualBox software and doesn't need specific computer skill to be setup. That note provides information about: 

  1. VirtualBox downloading

  2. VirtualBox Installation

  3. OBIDAM14 virtual image: Download and uncompress

  4. Setting up the OBIDAM14 Virtual Machine


Download VirtualBox

Please choose the download link related to your laptop's operating system:


Mac OS X


On Debian based distributions (Debian, Ubuntu, LinuxMint…) install the virtualbox package with :

sudo apt-get install virtualbox

On RedHat based distributions (CentOS, Fedora, Scientific…) install the VirtualBox package with :

sudo yum install VirtualBox

On other distributions, please see :

Install VirtualBox

For Windows users, double-click the downloaded file (exe file) and follow the wizard, defaults options should make the trick. More information here.

For Mac OS-X users, double-click the downloaded file (dmg image) and drop VirtualBox into your Application folder. More information here.

For Linux users, there's nothing to do.

Finally, for all platforms: launch virtualbox from your applications menu or applications folder.  

Downloads and uncompress the OBIDAM14 virtual image

- Please download the compressed virtual machine image (zip format, 2.5 Gb) here:   

and uncompress it on your desktop or on a custom directory.

- If you have troubles to uncompress this file, you can download the uncompressed virtual machine (vdi format, 7.6 Gb) here:   



Setting up the OBIDAM14 Virtual Machine




On the VirtualBox's welcome window, click on the “New” button, VirtualBox will launch the virtual machine creation wizard.


At the next step, you should provide:


- A name for the virtual machine, please type : OBIDAM


- A system type, please choose : Linux


- And a version, please choose : Ubuntu (64 bits)


At the next step, the VirtualBox wizard asks for how many memory your virtual machine needs.

Please set this option to 1024 Mb.


If your computer have 4Gb or more, you can set this option to 2048 Mb.


At the next step, you should tell to VirtualBox to use an existing virtual hard drive file (our decompressed file)


Check: “Use an existing virtual hard drive file”


Click on the small folder icon and select our decompressed file named OBIDAM14.vdi


Congratulation, your OBIDAM14 virtual machine is setup.


Just click Start to launch the virtual machine.


Once the virtual machine startup of Ubuntu is finished, you should have a running window like this one.

Note: virtual machine Informations

The user name is obidam and has the password obidam

OBIDAM virtual machine defaults keyboard layout is English US. You should adapt this setting via System Settings (on the left side of screen), into Keyboard Layout. Add your keyboard with + on the bottom-left corner of Keyboard Layout window. Next, choose your keyboard on the top-right corner of your desktop (close to clock).

Matlab Activation

At Matlab first startup, it will ask you to activate your trial license. Please follow these simple steps.


Choose option: Activate automatically using the internet


and click Next


Select the option:


Log In With my Mathworks Account


and fill Email Address with :


and Password with :




note the capital D.


Then choose anyone of the three available licenses. If this license don't work, try another one.


Click Next


Congratulation you are ready for OBIDAM14.

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